【同义词辨析】 2019-06-25 大声loud-strident
loud: applies to any volume above normal and may suggest undue vehemence or obtrusiveness: a ~ obnoxious person. (volume音量体积: 多指没有形状轮廓的可以流动的总体,如气体液体的体积声音的音量applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or fluctuating,如a tremendous volume of water大量的水) obnoxious令人厌恶very unpleasant,如an obnoxious person让人讨厌的人
stentorian: chiefly used of voices, implies great power and range: an actor with a ~ voice. (range泛指范围is a general term indicating extent, 如the entire range of human experience人类经验的范围)
earsplitting: implies loudness that is physically oppressive and shrilly discomforting: the ~ sound of a siren. (oppressive压抑,表示难以忍受的压力痛苦implies extreme or intolerable harshness or severity in what is imposed, 如found the pressure to conform socially oppressive遵循社会规则而感到压抑,如some old people are oppressed by the fear of death有些老人因为害怕死亡而感到压抑) (shrill刺耳尖厉的implies a high-pitched and unpleasant sound,如a shrill voice刺耳的嗓音,这个词还表示吵闹坚持不依不挠loud and determined but often unreasonable,如shrill demands/protests坚持要求/拼命反对) 汽笛报警器
raucous: implies a loud harsh grating tone, especially of voice, and may suggest rowdiness: a barroom filled with the ~ shouts of drunken revelers. (grating=harsh噪音的粗噪的摩擦的声音implies harsh and unpleasant sound,如she recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff她听出了萨尔诺夫博士粗噪的嗓音,来自grate将某物擦成丝) (rowdy吵闹表示人吵嚷闹事applies to persons making a lot of noise or likely to cause trouble,如a rowdy crowd at the pub酒吧里吵闹的人群,如he has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours他向警方投诉邻居们太吵闹,还可以作名词,如a bar in New York where the owner kept a baseball bat to deal with rowdies纽约一家酒吧老板备了一根棒球棒对付(吵嚷)闹事者) reveler狂欢者有3个e
strident: implies a rasping discordant but insistent quality, especially of voice: the ~ voices of hecklers. (rasping和grating完全同义,动词表示粗噪的或尖声地说,rasp表示挫磨东西,如 'Where've you put it?' he rasped “你把它放在哪里了?”他粗厉刺耳地说) 诘问者: 通过提问题或反对意见使人难堪的人to embarrass
loud大声: 泛指音量高于平常,或过份强烈突兀,stentorian洪亮: 表示人的声音强范围广,earsplitting震耳欲聋: 形容声音粗噪刺耳难忍,让人不舒服,raucous吵闹: 指人的声音大不舒服,还表示吵闹,strident刺耳: 指人的声音粗燥刺耳不和谐不停歇
记忆方法: 1)首字母LSERS想成losers失败者<==大声说话会干扰他人招人厌烦,同时影响自己思考,对事业不利
2)大声的意思是声音强音量大mean marked by intensity or volume of sound. 尖锐是指音调高high-pitched,但这组词不强调声调高,而是强调声音大不舒服harsh,并且rasping,grating,strident基本意思都是harsh, unpleasant不一定尖锐,因此中文说成粗燥更合适